
This web site and the related web sites contained herein (collectively, the “Site”) make available information on hotels, resorts, and other transient stay facilities (each a “Hotel”) owned, managed, operated or franchised by Karma Hospitality LLP and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, “KHLLP”)and other travel-related or consumer goods and services. The Site, and the services of each of its modules, is offered exclusively by KHLLP and/or its various third party providers and distributors.

The terms and conditions set out below (“Conditions”) apply to your use of the Site including the use of the information services offered on the Site. In accessing, using, viewing, transmitting, caching or storing this Site or any of its services, functions, materials, or contents, you shall be deemed to have agreed to each and all the Conditions and notices in this Site without modification. Further, you agree to be bound by these Conditions so please read this section carefully before proceeding. If you do not accept these Conditions, you must refrain from using the Site. These Conditions must be read in conjunction with any other applicable terms and conditions governing the use of the Site.

1. Site
The Site makes available information relating to hotels and resorts owned or managed by KHLLP, a limited liability partnership constituted under the laws of India, and its subsidiaries, affiliates and related parties belonging to KHLLP or being operated or managed by KHLLP.

2. Trademarks
The Site contains the name, trade and service marks, logos, devices of “Treehouse”, other valuable trade and service marks owned by KHLLP or licensed to KHLLP to distinguish its services and products (collectively referred to as “KHLLP Intellectual Property”). KHLLP Intellectual Property is protected from copying and simulation under national laws and may not be reproduced, copied or otherwise used in any manner whatsoever, on any material whether tangible or intangible, without the express prior written permission and consent of KHLLP. Without limitation, you must not use any of the said trade or service marks, either alone or in conjunction or combination or variation with other trade and service marks, logos and devices:

In or as the whole or part of your own trademarks;
In connection with activities, products or services which are not undertaken or provided by KHLLP;
In a manner which may be confusing, misleading or deceptive; or
In a manner that denigrates KHLLP or its information, products or services (including the Site).

Nothing contained on the Site should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppels, or otherwise, any license or right to use any of the trademarks without the written permission of KHLLP or such other party that may own the trademarks.

The image of ‘Tree with a door on the trunk’are our Intellectual property and are registered as Trademark in India. Any use of the imagewithout our express consent in writing shall constitute infringement of our Intellectual Property Rights/registered Trademarks.

3. Copyright
The Site, including each of its modules, is the copyrighted property of KHLLP and/or its various third party providers and distributors. The information, text, graphics, images, photographs, videos, sounds, links and all other information and software published or otherwise contained in the Site (“Information”) are either owned exclusively by KHLLP or licensed by KHLLP and except as specifically provided in these Conditions may not be copied, distributed, displayed, reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means whether electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written approval of KHLLP.

Without limitation you may not, without such approval from KHLLP create derivative works from any part of the Site or commercialise any Information, products or services obtained from any part of the Site. Information procured from a third party may be the subject of copyright owned by that third party. Unauthorized use of the Site and/or the materials contained on the Site may violate applicable copyright, trademark or other intellectual property laws or other laws. You must retain all copyright and trademark notices, including any other proprietary notices, contained in the materials. The use of such materials on any other web site or in any environment of networked computers is strictly prohibited.

4. Your Use
The Site is for your personal non-commercial use and the Information may be downloaded or printed by you solely for that purpose. You may only use the Site if you are at least 18 (eighteen) years of age and can enter into binding contracts (the Site is not available for use by minors). You are responsible for maintaining the secrecy of your passwords, login, and account information. You will be financially accountable for all uses of the Site by you and anyone using your password and login information. The right to use the Information is a license only, not a transfer of title, and is subject to the following restrictions:

The Information may not be used for any commercial purpose or public display, performance, sale or rental;
No copyright or other proprietary notices may be removed;
The information may not be transferred to another person;
Software may not be interfered with in any manner;
Every person downloading, reproducing or otherwise using the Information must prevent any unauthorized copying of the Information;
You will only use the Information for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Conditions.

In addition, you agree that you will not scrape, hack, reverse engineer, compromise or impair the Site

Do not use bolts, crawlers, scrapers, or other automated means to access or collect data or other content from or otherwise interact with the Site.

Do not hack, avoid, remove, impair, or otherwise attempt to circumvent any security or technological measure used to protect the Site and / or its content.

Do not decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any of the software used to provide the Site.

Do not take any action that could damage or adversely effect the performance or proper functioning of the Site.

Do not use robot, spider, other automatic device, or manual process to monitor or copy our web pages or the content contained herein, without the prior written consent of KHLLP (such content is deemed given for standard search engine technology employed by internet search web sites to direct internet users to the Site).

5. Information
KHLLP strives to ensure that the information is accurate and reliable. You accept that all Information provided on the Site or any other material accessed through the Site including via any Linked Website (refer Condition 8) is general information and is not in the nature of advice.

You also accept that all of the Information is provided on an “as is” basis and to the extent permitted by law, is provided without any warranty, representation or condition of any kind whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise. You assume all responsibility and risk for your use of or reliance upon Information and the Site or any other material accessed through the Site including via any Linked Website.

Whilst KHLLP seeks to ensure that the Information is reliable and accurate, errors and omissions may occur and therefore, to the extent permitted by law, KHLLP does not make or give any representation or warranty (express or implied) of any kind as to any matter relating to the Site and any Linked Website, including without limitation, as to merchantability, non-infringement of intellectual property rights or fitness for purpose.

In particular KHLLP does not warrant that:

The Information or any other material accessed through the Site including via any Linked Website is reliable, accurate or complete including, without limitation, information relating to prices and availability; or
• Your access to Information or any other material accessed through the Site including via any Linked Website will be uninterrupted, timely or secure.

KHLLPis not liable for any loss (direct or indirect) resulting from any action taken or reliance made by you on the Information or any other material accessed through the Site including via any Linked Website. You should make your own inquiries and seek independent professional advice before acting or relying on any such information or material.

KHLLP may from time to time update, modify or add to the Information, including these Conditions and absolutely reserves the right to make such changes without any obligation to notify past, current or prospective users of the Site. Unless otherwise specified to the contrary all new Information shall be subject to these Conditions.

KHLLP does not guarantee that the Site will operate continuously or without interruption or be error free. KHLLP may suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Site at any time without being liable for any direct or indirect loss as a result of such action.

6. Liability Disclaimer & Exclusion
In no event shall KHLLP be responsible for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential loss or damage, however arising and whether in contract, tort or otherwise, which you may suffer in connection with or arising out of:

Your use of the Site or any Linked Website; or
Your use of or reliance on Information or any other material accessed through the Site including via any Linked Website including without limitation, loss or damage by way of loss of profits, loss of business opportunity, business interruption or loss of information.

These Conditions do not purport to exclude liability arising by any applicable law if, and to the extent, such liability cannot be lawfully excluded, however, to the extent permitted by law, all warranties, terms or conditions which would otherwise be implied into these Conditions are hereby excluded.

Where applicable law implies any warranty, term or condition, and that law prohibits exclusion or modification of any such warranty, term or condition, then the liability of KHLLP shall include liability for any breach of such warranty, term or condition but, to the extent permitted by law, the remedy for such breach will be limited as follows:

• If the breach related to services the remedy will be limited to the supply of the services again or payment of the cost of having the services supplied again; and
• If the breach related to products and the products can be repaired the remedy will be limited to repair of such products or payment of the costs of having the products repaired, but otherwise, replacement of the products or the supply of equivalent products or payment of the cost of replacing the products or of acquiring equivalent products.

The limitation of liability applies whether the alleged liability is based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability or any other basis even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damage.

If you are dissatisfied with the use of the Site, or any of the products, services, members, suppliers and/ or buyer offered in connection therewith or associated therewith, as the case may be, your sole and exclusive remedy shall be to discontinue use of the Site.

7. Specific Warnings
You must ensure that your access to and your use of the Site is not illegal or prohibited by laws which apply to you.

You must take your own precautions that the process which you employ for accessing the Site does not expose you to the risk of virus, corrupted data, worms, other instructions or design that would erase data or programming or cause the Site or any equipment or system to become inoperable or incapable of being used in the full manner for which it was designed, or be subjected to malicious computer code, computer program routine or process or other forms of interference which may damage your computer system. Without limitation, you are responsible for ensuring that your computer system meets all relevant technical specifications necessary to use the Site and is compatible with the Site. For the removal of doubt, KHLLP does not accept responsibility for any interference or damage to your computer system which arises in connection with your use of the Site or any Linked Website.

KHLLP does not guarantee or warrant that any material available for downloading from the Site or any Linked Website will be free from any virus, infection or other condition which has contaminating or destructive properties. You are responsible for taking sufficient precautions and checks to satisfy your own particular requirements for accuracy of data input and output.

You must ensure that any information which you provide to KHLLP is accurate and complete and does not contain any virus, malicious computer code, computer program routine or process or other form of interference which may damage the computer system of KHLLP or the Information or which may detrimentally interfere with or surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any KHLLP system, data or information.

8. Linked Websites
The Site may contain links to other web sites (“Linked Websites”). Those links are provided for convenience only. KHLLP provides such links solely as a convenience to you and for information purposes only. KHLLP has not reviewed all of the information on these other websites.

You acknowledge and agree that KHLLP does not have any control over the content or availability of Linked Web Sites and accepts no responsibility for the content, privacy practices or any other aspect of Linked Websites.

Links with Linked Websites should not be construed as an endorsement, approval or recommendation by KHLLP of the owners or operators of those Linked Websites, or of any information, graphics, materials, products or services referred to or contained on those Linked Websites, unless and then only to the extent expressly stipulated to the contrary. If you decide to access the Linked Websites, you do so at your own risk.

9. Hotel Reservations
The reservations feature of the Site is provided solely to assist customers in determining the availability of travel related services and products and to make legitimate reservations and for no other purpose.

You warrant that you are at least 18 years of age, possess the legal authority to enter into the legal agreement constituted by your acceptance of these Conditions and to use the Site in accordance with such Conditions. You agree to supervise all usage by minors of this Site under your name or account. You also warrant that all information supplied by you or members of your household in using this Site is true and accurate and without limitation, or any false or fraudulent reservations.
You agree to be financially responsible for your use of the Site including without limitation for all reservations made by you or on your account for you, whether authorized by you or not. For any reservations or other services for which fees may be charged you agree to abide by the terms or conditions of supply including without limitation payment of all moneys due under such terms or conditions.

The Site contains details of hotel charges and room rates (including any available special offers) for hotels and resorts managed by KHLLP.

Hotel reservation terms and conditions of booking are set out on the Site and payment will be in accordance with the procedure set out in such terms and conditions.

You agree that you will make only legitimate reservations in good faith for use by you and your invited guests only, and not for other purposes, including without limitation, reselling, impermissibly assigning or posting on third party web sites or making speculative, false or fraudulent reservations, or any reservation in anticipation of demand.

No contract will subsist between you and KHLLP or any of its affiliates in respect of any services or products offered through the Site unless and until KHLLP accepts your order by email or automated confirmation through the Site confirming that it has accepted your reservation, booking or order and any such contract shall be deemed to incorporate the hotel reservation terms and conditions of booking. Any other relevant terms and conditions relating to particular services or products are set out in the Site.

You undertake that all details you provide to in connection with any services or products which may be offered by KHLLP on the Site (including hotel room reservations) will be correct and, where applicable, the credit card which you use is your own and that there are sufficient funds to cover the cost of any services or products which you wish to purchase. KHLLP reserves the right to obtain validation of your credit card details before providing you with any services or products.

10. Termination of Access
If you breach any of these Conditions your license to use the Site will terminate immediately without the necessity of any notice being given to you.

Otherwise access to the Site may be terminated at any time by KHLLP without notice.

The provisions of these Conditions excluding, limiting, and disclaiming the liability of KHLLP will nevertheless survive any such termination.

11. Indemnification
You agree to indemnify and defend and hold us and our subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, partners, designated partners, directors, agents and employees harmless from any claim or demand, made by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of this agreement or the documents it incorporates by reference, or your violation of any law or the rights of a third party. KHLLP’s failure to act with respect to a breach by you or others does not waive its right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches.

12. Communication
With respect to all communications made to KHLLP on or through the Site including, without limitation, feedback, questions, comments and suggestions (the “Communications”): (a) no right of confidentiality shall apply to the Communications and KHLLP shall have no obligation to protect the Communications from disclosure; (b) KHLLP shall be free to reproduce, use, disclose and distribute the Communications to others; and (c) KHLLP shall be free to use any ideas, concepts, know?how or techniques contained in the Communications for any purpose whatsoever, including, without limitation, the development, production and marketing of products and services that incorporate such information.

13. General
KHLLP does not accept any liability for any failure by KHLLP to comply with these Conditions where such failure is due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control.

If KHLLP waives any rights available to it under these Conditions on one occasion, this does not mean that those rights will automatically be waived on any other occasion.

If any of these Conditions are invalid, unenforceable, or illegal for any reason, the remaining Conditions shall nevertheless continue in full force.

You are completely responsible for all charges, fees, duties, taxes, and assessments arising out of the use of the Site.

14. Privacy
KHLLP respects the privacy of the users of this Site. Your use of the Site is subject to KHLLP Privacy Policy. If you would like to view the privacy practices, please review our Privacy Policy available on the Site. By using our site, you consent to your personal information being processed as set out in our Privacy Policy.

15. Governing Law
Substantive laws of the Republic of India.

16. Arbitration
Any dispute arising out of or in connection with these Conditions, the Site and/or the subject matter or any agreement between the guests/visitors and KHLLP, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the DelhiInternational Arbitration Rules (“DCIA Rules”), which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference in this clause.

The seat of the arbitration shall be Delhi.

The Tribunal shall consist of one arbitrator.

The language of the arbitration shall be English.

The law governing this arbitration agreement shall be law of India.

17. Jurisdiction
Exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts in Delhi.

18. Return to Site
To return to the Site, click where indicated. By doing so, you acknowledge that you read, understood, and accepted these Conditions.

Privacy Policy
Karma Hospitality LLP (“KHLLP”) – Privacy Policy

At KHLLP, its affiliates and subsidiaries (hereinafter collectively referred to as “KHLLP”, “we” or “us” or “our”), we endeavour to provide our guests outstanding services and experiences in our hotels. We value your business and your faith in us in delivering you a superior level of service.

We recognise that privacy is important to our guests, and hence our Global Privacy Policy explains our practices regarding personal information we collect when you visit or use our hotels, restaurants, bars, etc. (“the Services”) and our website, mobile applications, or other online products and services or when you fill up a form and become member of our loyalty programmes (“the Site”). We shall protect your personal data, to keep it secure as per applicable privacy and data protection laws.
You will be asked to consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy when making or confirming a reservation, joining our loyalty programmes, registering for events or promotions or otherwise corresponding with us via the Site or otherwise where required under applicable law.

If you want to review, verify, correct or request erasure of your personal information, object to the processing of your personal data, or request that we transfer a copy of your personal information to another party, please write to us contactus@treehousehotels.in writing.

Lawful Basis for Processing
We may process your information because:

• We have a contract with you

• You would have given us express permission to do so

• We must have provided services to you after you have purchased something from us

• We must have provided services to you because you have taken one of our offers

• To comply with the law.

Information We Collect
a. Information you provide to us: we collect personal data (including where applicable sensitive personal data) you provide directly to us. This may include the following:

• personal and business information like your full name, date of birth, marital status, name of spouse, date of anniversary, address, contact information, etc.

• passport and visa information;

• identification document and/or address proof that you provide, viz. passport, driving licence, Aadhar card, etc.;

• guest stay information, including our hotels where you have stayed, date of arrival and departure, goods and services purchased, special requests made, your service preferences, telephone numbers dialled, email id, faxes, telephone and other messages received;

• your credit card, mobile payment and other payment details;

• your loyalty membership information, account details, profile or password details and any frequent flyer or travel partner programme affiliation;

• any information necessary to fulfil special requests (for example, leisure, travel and guest preferences, food allergies and/or medical information);

• medical / health information shared in order to avail any facilities at our hotels including but not limited to spa, swimming pool, adventure activities, gym, etc.;

• your reviews, feedback and opinions about our hotels, resorts, programmes and services;

• information collected through the use of closed-circuit television systems and other security systems;

• photographs; and

• any other personal data you choose to provide to us.

b. Information We May Automatically Collect When You Use the Site:when you access or use the Services and Site, we may automatically collect personal data about you, including:

• Log Information: we may collect system log information about your use of the Site, including the type of browser you use, access times, pages viewed, your IP address and the page you visited before navigating to our Site;

• Device Information: we may collect information about the computer or mobile device you use to access our Site, including the hardware model, operating system and version, unique device identifiers (such as, IP address, IMEI number, the address of the device’s wireless network interface, or mobile phone number used by the device) and mobile network information;

• Location Information: we may collect information about the location of your device each time you access or use one of our mobile applications or otherwise consent to the collection of this information. You can turn off location services for a device at any time, but this may turn off some useful features;

• Information Collected by Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies: we and our service providers use various technologies to collect information, including cookies and web beacons. Cookies are small data files stored on your hard drive or in device memory that help us improve our Services and Site and your experience, see which areas and features of our Services and Site are popular and count visits. Web beacons are electronic images that may be used in our services or emails and help deliver cookies, count visits and understand usage and campaign effectiveness. For more information about cookies, and how to disable them, please see our Cookies Policy;

• Information We Collect From Other Sources: we may also obtain personal data from our hotels and from our third party service providers, booking agents, travel agents and corporate accounts (such as information relating to the credit of guests) and combine that with information we collect through our Services and Site where we believe that it is necessary to help manage our relationship with you.

Where you provide personal data of third parties (for example, names and contact details of your family members in connection with bookings or family memberships), you confirm that you have their consent to provide their personal data to us. We recommend you show them this Privacy Policy.

Situations in Which We Will Use Your Personal Information
We need all the categories of information in the list above primarily to allow us to perform our contract with you and to enable us to comply with legal obligations. In some cases, we may use your personal information to pursue legitimate interests of our own. Some of the purposes for which your personal data may be used are enumerated here in below:

• Administering the contract, we have entered into with you;

• Business management and planning, including accounting and auditing;

• Making arrangements for the termination of a contract;

• Providing privileges, special offers, benefits and services to you including but not limited to administering contests and processing membership of our loyalty programmes;

• Dealing with audits, legal disputes, and insurance claims. Complying with health and safety obligations;

• To prevent fraud;

• To monitor your use of our information and communication systems to ensure compliance with our policy(ies) and laws of the land;

• To ensure network and information security, including preventing unauthorised access to our computer and electronic communications systems and preventing malicious software distribution;

• To conduct data analytics studies to review and better understand customer satisfaction and needs;

• Some of the above grounds for processing will overlap and there may be several grounds which justify our use of your personal information.

We may also use your personal information in the following situations:

• Where we need to protect your interests (or someone else’s interests).

• Where it is needed in the public interest or for official purposes or requested for by investigative police or governmental authorities.

Disclosures of Your Personal Data
We may share your personal data:

•between and among KHLLP and a limited number of our associates and affiliates as are relevant for the above purposes and to facilitate the operation of our business, but we shall only do so on a need to know basis;

•with the operator of the hotel or the hub of hotels which you book, stay or visit for the above purposes;

• with third-party service providers, payment processors, IT and marketing support service providers and other consultants, vendors and service providers who need access to such information to carry out work or provide services on our behalf or who help us to provide the Services and Site to you;

• with anyone involved in the process of making your travel arrangements (e.g. travel agents, group travel organisers and your employer) in order to fulfil contractual obligations;

• with any law enforcement, courts, Government or regulatory bodies (in whatever jurisdiction), or otherwise in response to a request for information if we believe disclosure is in accordance with, or required by, any applicable law, regulation, court order or legal process;

• if we believe your actions are inconsistent with our user agreements or policies, or to protect the rights, property and safety of KHLLP, our affiliates or others;

• in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, financing or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by another company, or any change of management of a hotel;

• with our advisors, which includes our accountants, auditors, lawyers, other professional advisors and business contacts for the purpose of assisting us to better manage, support or develop our business and comply with our legal and regulatory obligations;

• with any other party at your consent or at your direction; and

• otherwise as permitted or required by applicable laws and regulations.

• We may also disclose aggregated, anonymised, or de-identified data that is not personally identifiable with third parties, including our commercial and strategic partners.

Should You Want to Opt Out
If we possess your contact information, we may want to keep you posted about our products, services, and events, through email. Should you prefer not to keep up to date with KHLLP news and latest information on services and receive such marketing materials, please send an email to unsubscribe@treehousehotels.in. However, such withholding of information or withdrawal of consent may result in us not being able to provide services and facilities.

We do not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under 18 years of age. As a parent or legal guardian, please do not to allow your children to submit personal information without your permission.

If you are in the EU, our Site is not directed at children under the age of 13. If you believe we have collected information about a child under the age of 13, please contact us so that we may take appropriate steps to delete such information. If you are at least 13 but under the age of 18, please get the consent of your parent or legal guardian before giving us any personal data about yourself.

Control of Your Personal Information
You may object to the use or processing of such personal information by us. You may ask us to delete your personal information collected through the website or service by e-mailing us at legal@treehousehotels.in .

If you have privacy concerns regarding access to or the correction of your Personal information, please contact us at the contact information mentioned within the section called “Data Privacy Issues and Whom to Contact” of this policy./p>

In your request, please make clear whether you would like to have your Personal information that you have provided to us suppressed from our database or otherwise let us know what limitations you would like to put on our use of your Personal information that you have provided to us.

While the majority of questions and issues related to access or requests can be handled quickly, complex requests may take more research and time. In such cases, issues will be addressed, or you will be contacted regarding the nature of the problem and appropriate next steps, within 30 days.

Transferring Your Personal Information
We do not sell your contact information to other marketers. As an ethical organization, to ensure that you enjoy the same level of service across all our Hotels, owned or operated around different parts of India, we may share your personal information with our hotels across India. While doing so, we will ensure that your personal information is handled and safeguarded as per this policy.

Overseas Transfers of Your Personal Data
Your personal data will be transferred to, and stored at, locations in India and in the location of the hotel in which you stay or visit. It may also be accessed and processed by our personnel and the personnel of our partners, affiliates and third-party service providers. We may transfer your Personal information to servers located outside the country in which you live or to affiliates or other trusted third parties based in other countries so that they may process personal information on our behalf.When personal data is transferred from the EU to outside the EU, we shall do so as per applicable laws.

Third Parties
• We use the services of third-party service providers to provide certain products and services like credit card billing, reservations services, call centre services, management of the loyalty programmes, mailing of promotional material, for which it is necessary to provide Personal information. These parties are contractually prohibited from using the Personal information for any purpose other than those specified by us. We may provide information that is non-personal, to certain service providers for their use on an aggregated basis for the purpose of performingtheir contractual obligations to us. We expressly prohibit the sale or transfer of any information to any party outside of KHLLP by such service providers.

• From time to time we may partner with other companies to provide co-sponsored or co-branded promotions, products and services and may share your information with our co-sponsor. For example, we may co-sponsor some prize draws, competitions, or contests on our site with other companies or we may provide prizes for contests sponsored by other companies. If you enter one of these contests, we may share your information with our co-sponsor or the third-party sponsor.

• In the event of a merger, consolidation, sale, liquidation or transfer of assets, we may, in our sole and absolute discretion, transfer, sell or assign information collected, including without limitation, non-personal informationand personal information, to one or more affiliated or unaffiliated third parties.

• We may, with or without prior notice to you, have to share your information in order to comply with applicable laws or respond to governmental inquiries or requests from public authorities or to comply with valid legal process, to protect the rights, privacy, safety or property of KHLLP, its guests, employees or the public or to permit us to pursue available remedies or limit the damages that we may sustain or to respond to an emergency.

• If you use a corporate credit card, your billing information may be shared with your employer.

Use of Cookies
We use various technologies to collect and store information when you visit our websites, and this may include using cookies or similar technologies to identify your browser or device. Cookies are pieces of information stored directly on the computer or mobile device that you are using. Cookies allow us to collect information such as browser type, time spent on the Online services, pages visited, referring URL, language preferences, and other aggregated traffic data. We and our service providers use the information for security purposes, to facilitate navigation, to display information more effectively, to collect statistical information, to personalize your experience while using the Online services and to recognize your computer in order to assist your use of the Online services, such as for the online reservation process. Cookies further allow us to select which of our advertisements or offers are most likely to appeal to you and display them while you are on the Online services or to send you advertisements and marketing emails. We may also use cookies or other technologies to track responses to our online advertisements and marketing emails. You can configure your browser to refuse cookies, or to warn you before a cookie is placed. If you disable cookies, some parts of our websites may not function properly or at all.

Other Non-Personal or Anonymous Information Collected by Us
Information that does not personally identify you is referred to as non-personal or anonymous information. When you visit and interact with the site www.treehoushotels.inor third parties with whom we have contracted to provide services, non-personal information, like a list of website pages visited by you, could be collected.

We may collect data by using web beacons, clear GIFS, pixel tags or similar means, which will tell us when you visit our site. Non-personal information like the domain name, the areas of the site you visit, your operating system, your browser version, and the URL you visited from, can be identified, which can be used to enhance your online experience by understanding your web usage patterns.

We may use or disclose non-personal information for any purpose from time to time since this does not personally identify you. For instance, we may embed e-mail addresses withimages. In such cases where we combine non-personal information with personalinformation, the combined information will be treated by us as personal information as per this policy.

Links to Websites of Third-Party Marketers
From time to time, we may allow third party advertisers advertise on our websites. These third-party advertisers may use technologies like cookies, pixel tags to track which ads your browser has seen and which site pages you may have visited. We have no control over the use of this technology or the resulting information and are not responsible for any actions or policies of such third parties.

If at some point in the future our websites contain links to third parties&their websites, do please note, that we will not be responsible for the collection, use, maintenance, sharing, or disclosure of data and information by such third parties. For information provided by you on third party sites, the privacy policy and terms of service on those sites will be applicable and we strongly advise you to read the privacy policies of websites that you visit before submitting personal information.

Protection of Your Personal Information
We take, and require any third party to take, reasonable precautions, including administrative, technical, and physical measures to safeguard your personal information against loss, theft, misuse, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Access to your personal information is restricted to prevent unauthorised access, modification or misuse and such access is only granted to our employees and agents on a need-to-know basis. However, unfortunately no security system or system of transmitting data over the Internet can be guaranteed to be entirely secure. You can help us by also taking precautions to protect your personal data when you are on the internet. For your own privacy protection, we advise you not to include sensitive personal information in any emails you may send to us. Please do not send credit card numbers or any sensitive personal information to us via email.

We cannot guarantee that our Services and Site will function faultless and without any interruptions. We shall not be liable for damages that may result from the use of electronic means of communication, including, but not limited to, damages resulting from the failure or delay in delivery of electronic communications, interception or manipulation of electronic communications by third parties or by computer programs used for electronic communications and transmission of viruses.

Retention and Disposal of Your Personal Information
Your personal data will be retained in a form which enables us to identify you for no longer than it is necessary for the purposes for which the data was collected and used. Your personal data may be retained in certain files for a period of time as required by applicable law to comply with such financial or legal requirements, to properly resolve disputes or to troubleshoot problems.

Policy Modifications
We may update our privacy policy from time to time, without prior notice, and post it on the Site so that you are always informed of the way we collect and use your personal data. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy whenever you access the Services and Site or otherwise interact with us to stay informed about our information practices and the ways you can help protect your privacy. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will become effective upon posting of the revised Privacy Policy on the Site.

Data Privacy Issues and Whom to Contact
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this Privacy Policy or about how we handle your personal information, please contact us by clicking the Contact Us link on the website and following the appropriate links thereon.

You have the right to tell us if you:

• do not wish to be contacted by us henceforth

• would like to withdraw consent to personal data processing

• wish to obtain a copy of your personal information that we hold

• would like us to correct, update or delete your personal information in our records

• wish to report any misuse of your personal information

To assist us in handling your request, please provide your full name and details.

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